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رایتینگ تسک ۱  جنرال  آیلتس 18#

رایتینگ تسک ۱  جنرال  آیلتس 18#

در پست رایتینگ تسک ۱  جنرال  آیلتس 18# شما را با یک  نمونه از رایتینگ های تسک 1 آشنا می سازیم.

You recently took a part-time job working for a local company. After a few weeks, you realised there were some problems with the job. Write a letter to the manager of the company. In your letter

explain why you took the job

describe the problems that you experienced

suggest what could be done about them

model answer:

Dear Sir,

I have been a part-time fitness instructor in your gym for four months. I was pleased to be offered the job, not only because I need to earn some extra money to cover my living expenses but also because I need some experiense in fitness training.

It has been obvious to me that people often need help in using the gym equipment.However, it seems that the other trainers have not been encourage to offer assistance to club members. I offer as much as I can, but this means that I am constantly in demand and therefore, working harder than anyone else in the gym. This situation seems rather unfair.

While I realise that members receive initial gym instruction, I feel that they also need ongoing help with the equipment. Could I suggest that a letter is sent to trainers promoting this? After all, personal attention of this kind makes people feel valued and may result in increased membership.

Yours faithfully

امیدواریم که از پست رایتینگ تسک ۱  جنرال  آیلتس 18# استفاده کرده باشید، همچنین برای آمادگی بیشتر توصیه میکنیم از کارگاه رایتینگ آیلتس ما دیدن فرمایید.

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