پادکست سیاسی اجتماعی NPR

پادکست های سیاسی اجتماعی NPR

سیاست اگرچه ترسناک است،اما امروزه سخت است سیاسی نبود؛شاید هم غیر ممکن.پادکست های NPR politics از منابع مفید و مختصر برای درجریان قرار گرفتن از اتفاقات مهم و ترند اخیر در دنیاست.

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“It’s Big” And “It’s Bold”: Biden Unveils Massive Infrastructure Plan

Both parties agree that the country’s infrastructure needs a face lift, and today President Biden revealed a $2 trillion plan to address the problem. The package will address roads, bridges, high speed internet, climate change, and racial inequity, but to pay for it all Congress would need to rollback former President Trump’s corporate tax cuts

US Loans Vaccines To Mexico, Canada

AstraZeneca’s vaccine has not been authorized for use in the United States, but the nation has millions of doses in its stockpile. Now, the Biden administration has announced it will loan some of those doses to Mexico and Canada. And a delay in 2020 census tallies is posing problems for states that need to draw legislative district maps

Exclusive: FBI Director Christopher Wray On Responding To Hate Crimes

FBI Director Christopher Wray sits down with NPR’s Carrie Johnson for a wide-ranging interview about the role of the FBI, the mass shooting in Atlanta that killed 8 including 6 women of Asian descent, and the ongoing investigation into the Capitol insurrection

Reflecting On One Year Of The Pandemic

Scott Detrow shares his reporting on the day, one year ago, that it felt like everything changed. And President Biden is dealing with an influx of people seeking refuge at the US southern border.

There Will Be Enough Vaccine Doses For Every US Adult By May, Biden Says

President Biden announced yesterday an accelerated vaccination timeline in the United States, but some states are already moving to fully reopen—a move public health experts warn could lead to deadly mutations and a dangerous backslide.

امیدواریم که از پادکست  Daily New york Times لذت برده باشید همچنین برای یادگیری بیشتر توصیه میکنیم نوشته ما در خصوص لغات کلیدی نگارش رو ببنید.

همچنین برای تهیه ی کتاب های آموزشی زبان انگلیسی می توانید به سایت فرتاب مراجعه فرمایید.

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